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Month: November 2013

Apache – Hide PHP Version (X-Powered-By)


Applies: apache 1.3.x / apache 2.0.x Required apache module: mod-php4/mod-php5 Scope: php.ini Type: security

Description: How to hide the PHP version to remote requests. Useful: to not disclose un-needed information. As shown in Discover the web server software and version of a remote server anyone can find our valuable information from our apache server banner… This will show you how to suppress the PHP banner X-Powered-By.

Utilizzare operatore ternario per if/else in PHP


Probabilmente avete familiarità con le istruzioni if di PHP. È molto simile alla sua controparte in molti altri linguaggi di programmazione e rappresenta uno dei concetti fondamentali della programmazione. L’istruzione if è facile da capire e facile da padroneggiare. Questo è probabilmente quello che siete abituati a leggere:

if ($eta -->= 18) {
 $messaggio = "Sei maggiorenne!";
 else {
 $messaggio = "Spiacenti, non hai i requisiti!";

Ma c’è un modo per costruire questo concetto e aumentare un po’ le prestazioni di $eta nel processo. Per fare questo si usa l’operatore ternario, che sarebbe una notazione abbreviata per le istruzioni if??.

Enable Kiosk Mode in Windows 8.1


Windows devices are widely used for kiosks where the users should be able to use only an application and nothing else. This makes sure that an anonymous user can use the kiosk and the application, but not harm it in any way. To achieve this, you had to lock down the Windows device and harden it for obvious security reasons. But, locking down a Windows device traditionally was a difficult task.


Windows 8.1 comes with an excellent feature where you can lockdown the device allowing the user to use only one application. You need to keep in mind that this application needs to be a modern application and cannot be a desktop application. So, if you are going to use it for your customized company application (For e.g. ATMs, Flight Schedule), the application should be a modern application.


Let’s see how we can do that.